Numinous re-if-ication

Ha Shem

the first thing namable
the one
the idea
thing beyond thought

not a bang, a be,
an ever,
to this point.

Now, you understand.
Cross past
the plain of salt,
bearing light,

lightest of burdens.
Climb the western
edge, the cleft
in the rock.

Find that.
Wait and watch,
the light thins
into night.

There is no darkness,
only thinner light.
You stand under
stars, aware.

While watching Season 3 of Phillip K. Dick’s Man in the High Castle, Frank Fink’s Son of the Law ritual wrapping of the Word from Ha Shem, that traditional masking of the name  Je-ho-vah. Bar Mitz-vah, the message of light intended for initiates, but lost in a box that is dark inside.
*numinous (adj.)
“divine, spiritual,” 1640s, from Latin numen (genitive numinis) “divine will,” properly “divine approval expressed by nodding the head,” from nuere “to nod,” from PIE *neu- (2) “to nod” (source also of Greek neuein “to nod”) + -ous.numen (n.)
“divine spirit, presiding divinity,” 1620s, from Latin numen “divine will, divinity,” literally “a nod,” from nuere “to nod” (assent); see numinous.
anomalous (adj.)
“deviating from a general rule,” 1640s, from Late Latin anomalus, from Greek anomalos “uneven, irregular,” from an- “not” (see an- (1)) + homalos “even,” from homos “same,” from PIE root *sem- (1) “one; as one, together with.” Related: Anomalously; anomalousness.
Sem, Shem, co-incidence, not accidental.