Me and Churo sittin’ on the rocks

This big ol’ Rottweiler from over by the water tank came over to smell whose peeing on the propane tank these days, when Churo sees him! Churo, the Chihuahua, finds his Doberman heart and lunges… Too dark to video and m’phone was inside on the charger. Churo, the Chihuahua, looks at me and speaks “Yo,…

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Pondering the Principal Thing

Wisdom loving takes time to find a handle on. Love handles do come along later on, after Some slips and falls and psilli- Solipsistic mobs, suffer it to be so now… Growing takes time, age comes as pulses measured on a larger scale than fits mortal clocks. Wait and see. Wise one Is not an…

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Hear one word a different way and

Everything changes. The medium of the internet allows me to try this. Cass Elliot / John Denver — not my cuppa at the time, 1972, but listen… when you always thought the lyric was “I’ve played around….” but but but really… listen. He sings “I’ve prayed around” and the whole song, except for the jet…

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