Pondering the Principal Thing

ken pepiton with goat
I was set aside, holy-unaware

Wisdom loving takes time to find a handle on.

Love handles do come along later on, after

Some slips and falls and psilli-

Solipsistic mobs,

suffer it to be so now…

Growing takes time, age comes as pulses measured

on a larger scale than fits mortal clocks.

Wait and see.

Wise one

Is not an occupation one

Tires from nor retires from,

it is an occupation one retires to,

never tiring again after allowing

Patience her perfect work…

Feed my sheep.
Who ever heard that and knew

“I am standing under some in-effable knower”

Did you you feel her smile or see her wink?
Sweet Sophia, taste and see.

As a man thinks,

so is he, at the core.

Now who can be against us, we, who have seen Wisdom smile and have laughed at the Cross with Christ, for God’s sake.

Knowledge is Wisdom’s bailiwick in fected, in vested with Language confusion long enough for the wheat to grow among the tares and the harvest to brighten this broken world…

Come and see.

Several voices have said I am wrong. They lie. Right use of any skill is true. I am skilled to capture fleeting thoughts and share them with any who have time to

notice me noticing them or to notice them alone without knowing I noticed them as well

ifnot better, a voice heading left from the wrong edge of the page

Who could punctuate thus designating the wrong way for words to march into minds. It was done. Three ways at least, no, four.

left to right which is right as I know too well

right to left which is right where it is.

up to down left to right

down to up left to right

and the opposites and tangent of these , more than four,

but four points are all we need to make a thing of self-substance.

tetrahedron collision bo, son, you had to be there

BANG like a bell, right, light. And now we hear the echo and ask who in hell rang it rather than who imagined a bell that could ring this into being? That’s the ought-to-be thought to be weighed against the ninety-six percent of all the gravity men imagine is measure-able for which there is no reason they know.

There ought would be a law if only good could come from doing as ought does. Eating is not destroying, empathizing with meat and methane production systems that bliss in cud chewing by adding contentment (Car-nation’s milk is from contented cows, truth and justice and the American Way sponsor of the day on Wednesday afternoon, Circus day was it? or rodeo day with those cool advancements on the stick-horse concept. Mickey Mouse Club memories my generation alone experienced have shaped our thinking ever since. LSMFT what does that mean to you? R-E, what is the rest…

Boomers do owe a debt to Millennials. We were the Baby Boomers before Millennials began to noise about. Now Old Baby Boomers are the ones who never touched a keyboard before Facebook, while Boomers are those who used the tools for taming the explosion of knowledge echoing after electron tricks were make right use of in the 19th century. Prior to that , sparks were magic associated with petrified tree sap from the Caucuses and neatly twisted sticky caterpillar spit from far away Cathay.

Thank you, my children, for growing into non-ignorant adults. Sorry if I miss led you when I was your age. I tried to keep my mouth shut, but there were pressures of the age before threatening to crush me if I did not “toe the line” and pay attention to the culturally, no, socially, no, politically correct representation of reality on TV.

I was the second generation to face that trial. The measuring up to normal according to the mostly white English- good-old-way or the progressive bright-new-tomorrowland-, as both were presented as seen-on-TV true in black and white.

My father’s generation, the one Brokaw thought was the Greatest, toed the line almost to a man, before the last set of major battles in the 1940s. That is, those of my father’s generation who survived the last iteration of the war for peace and prosperity for the winners, they all acted as if the world as portrayed on television was the real world. They were of a mind to agree with talking heads and taught their children by example and by what they could make sense of that their parents had taught them by example.

But the children of Brokaw’s Greatest, in addition to family cultural conditioning, they were exposed to the learning of those who learned from Freud and Pavlov and Dewey, who learned from Marx and Engles and Emerson, then went to war and went to school on the GI Bill to become history and science professors of the known and nearly known-… my parent’s generation did their duty as defined by law… and taught us all they thought they knew we needed to know.

There are threads of history of known thought and trails of history thought known that are twisted and tangled and snarled like needle and thread grass seed heads in wool, or sorta, like seeds in cotton. Though, cotton seed is comb-able, like picker-ninny hair, while needle and thread grass seed, those take patience and prehensile tools, like thumb and finger or front teeth to pull from wool or knappy heads.

Very small children can learn to husk corn and eat the sweet seed but not the silk. Did you know that already? Imagine a family hike near where Abram lived a while in Turkey of our time, as far as you can see, there is grain, white, ready to harvest.

Do you think, “I wonder if I can eat this stuff”, before your precocious child peels a seed and eats it?

Okeh. Imagine it is only you, your child’s mother and child. Are you the first minds ever to develop such relationships? Can you imagine being Adam? If not, when I suggest you imagine being Eber  in a few instant time-traveling words from now, you will fail and need to begin again.