G K Chesterton Impressions

I copped this from some blog but the link failed and I never remembered whose blog, but “gk chesterton quotes” led there.

Embedding is not something I’ve mastered, neither in my own mind nor on my internet mindprint. How ever it is done, before one idea may be rightly thought, all the lies wise to my quandry seem to rise to challenge me that I passed them by without a glance. What I learned were lies now raise foul cries, “Give peace a chance”, “learn to dance”.

So… GK Chesterton, read him after Darwin, Huxley, Shaw, Wells, Twain, Freud, Jung, Einstein, and good, old Oscar Wilde. Here CLICK cliché sound There is a free, no strings, audio version of Chesterton’s 1908 defining of Orthodoxy, there.

Can you think the ideas this man thought and not find yourself less lost than Tolstoy or more peaceful and quiet than Nietzsche in his waning years, without Job’s fears or Mary’s tears?

Thinking not, I trow ye shall never dare dispute me when I say “1917 ended a pivotal period”, grammatically speaking. It is, I believe the smallest expressible idea of a created completion is,  this . three of which appear related to a passage of some intangible thing, like time or words or thoughts … ellipsis slip sliding away

Stay tuned for the internet drama, “The Year of Unbelieving” currently unfolding in magi-like untwisting similar to DNA in the material world of information propagation.