Friday, I died

Heart attack, home alone,‘recollected an old vial of sublingual nitro,and a charged smart phone,so 911 worked,{1 free miracle}helicopter medical rescue team sweeps in,“stay with us, sir, …. sir,KWHAMHO wow,“You can hear me now.”or was it can you hear me now?If you say yes you are asked for self identity, What is your name, what are…

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Job re-feral

Vu. { as long as any story’s told wrong} No bet. Nothing wagered, no pledge to be paid,no bet was made between the unspeakable name, core processing access id-entity… we’ll call Truth.And time, if there were a wager, Truth be against Time. The way life works super resiliently, bouncing backafter starry chaos leaves a constant…

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Day one, year 76, my time

This old man, a man I was, a while ago,he wakes, and wastes a morning slightly,throwing hours of mind wandering into the mix, asking himself if his understanding of worth,what worth is, if his kind is rare and usefull,what worth can be exchanged to let debtsseem second thought,seems attention is paid on demandtime worth tokens…

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