
Testudo. Stand. Hunker down under your shield/my shield Now and then shifting smartly left or right to kill/hate Enemies you love ought not so to be. If I am average, I may make certain assumptions based on self evidence. I can stand ready to give answers to every challenge to the faith. That is in…

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Best reckoning

Most men could be wrong on the first guess, Sometimes, not all the times. I guess, or hope, you know, that This bit is becoming a portal, a Backdoor to the city… Knowing when to look and when to listen, Children were taught that when I was young. Are they still? Suppose so. Stop, Look…

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Starwars 7 or so, 2016

After the grandkids, a now a little while ago Friday, February 05, 2016 5:01 PM “Grandpa, can we watch the new Star Wars?”, Gabe, age 3, inquires with all confidence that Grandpa’s TV can play any movie, anytime (at least it can play any movie Gabe wants to see, of this he has no doubt)….

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