Segue to the news, 4 parts, no, 5 news

Part 1. Awe, at the glitz and glitter, and proper Eton accents.The flow from the stiffened upper lips, sheebolethargical,dif-ferent sim-pool ideas, Oral-ized. BBC 4- In our Time Evangelical Maxwell, who knew, click.?1840’s science framed in Newton’s, matter and motion,forces occupying either real or otherwise, spheres,spheres of influence,ever learned, and never learned, equilibrium offsets… action at…

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1001 words, contesting essentialty

Thorough, and thoroughly, Nearly through, throughly true. If ifity fit ifity fit, pfft. Pfft, Ifity fit not, no fit no fit, wait, sh-it fits, in time, today -thoughtless of me, wordless, wait ‘but through…’ word. text -we need e- lectric, mind, appawareness usually clicks time Was a word as all words are, mere after thought,…

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