Covid era second act

2020 – day 107 Thursday, April 16, 2020 {12 pages, with a wiseass cameo, and a 22 minute radio rant on the end… linked somewhere.} 8:09 AM could be a slow day for serious thinking, the world  would be calm even, peace-filled, if we would ignore the fretting forming effectual evil, de structing standing stones…

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Hey, kid, your watch

Standalone, mind wandering wonder watch while orbiting Google earth urging an us to form, once more, we pour peace from cisterns filled in seasons past Goldilocks zone just right, as iustasay, when stalking aitia for hints, first experience in knowing a name for a feeling justright, then finding later just and right are totally different…

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2020 – day 93

A great fear came upon the land, and the old men mustered a defence onfence offence offing the pigs and spilling the pearls, misfed. misfired Miss feed, ticker tape parades, grand tradition, in the days before the war, before the cod were so brutally raked from the bottom of the sea, with anything else the…

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