Covid era second act

2020 – day 107

Thursday, April 16, 2020 {12 pages, with a wiseass cameo, and a 22 minute radio rant on the end… linked somewhere.}

8:09 AM

could be a slow day for serious thinking, the world 

would be calm

even, peace-filled, if

we would ignore the fretting forming effectual evil,


structing standing stones immovable, but

by God,

these institutions constitute our reasons for war,

and everybody knows

without war, the last vestiges of the iron empire


and rust away,

till in a gazzilion years, earth is red as mars…

no, of course not, who can imagine war has no reason?

Me. Ha, y’don’t say, y’say. War is not the reason.

Honor is the reason

we are updating our nuclear stock piles and guarding

the usurers databases,

listings of

honor and glory of keeping a pledge to destroy

them who

{WA hapt}

do evil demeaning things to children, forcing oaths and

pledges to be having only

good American ways in mind when praying things get better.

Some free men shall live the rest of their lives working,

living like pioneers, refugees on the edge

of hopelessness, rearing rebel children

to serve as cannon fodder on the square.

History will have sortable stories,

what were they thinking, we shall say, in the future

of the survivors from back in the day.

The peaceful night, I go gently into, sure as I am

contagious… infected with hope

the functional aspect of faith, the evidence of never seen


Improve, reprove, prove

improve, reprove, prove

that’s life.

it goes on and on, just


balancing everything.

We wake up over a period of decades,

and find reality


if we bow to the powers that be.

Some bit of the bowing part,

I find a why,

a why do it thus?

I don’t like the way it looks, boss and beggar,

like a shiner in an orange orchard, which

a greedy owner might see,

and scold us pickers for waste and sheer

lazy bum genes…

So I stood my ground, looked around and seeing

this golden apple

idea, as reminded by that shiner high in the tree, I

wondered, what if

as in heaven, so on earth, were mis

apprehended, and thus prayed amiss, as it were,

to consume, the goodness, like oil to light the night,

burning off precious gases that took fifty million years to form,

leaving acidic ashes

fixed in plastic molecules so impervious to ravages of time,

that the micro fiber microtubules


wee structures of undigestible ash, pure plastic

man-made, artificed organic molecular structures, so many

PPMs in the gazzilions, too many, nature has no clue what to do,


we can’t see the stuff… can’t kill us…

and we can’t be safe if we ain’t ready to kill unfounded

evidence of unseen things, ever vigilant, for evil abounds,

we see that all the time.

Some wee mod on your percepticons, some external force,

a tap, tap, tap on a lugnut,

srewed too tight,

tiny vibrations pass through metal in waves,

a tap, tap, tap loosens the rust,

flakey rust, oxidated into red clay… someday

this red clay becomes ochre, once sprinkled on bones as a sign

of something we guess means



we can rub this ochre in our hair and laugh, we live.

After all 

we learned we live.

Those who failed the test of life, do not.

Those who hate and those who fear, they live in 

another place,

in their minds and hearts and souls and spirits and wishes and

dispairing cries of this ain’t fair,

they are the poor, spoken of as being with us, always.

Happy is the man who can live with his memories,


ever, after. Taking refugee status as the badge of honor,

leaving war and its reasoning babbling insanity in self defence,

up to its iron bound ankles as it marches as to war,

through the rusting remnants of civilization.

I told an old man that I gave my share of the nuclear arsenal to my kids.

They said they had no use for them, and

I agreed, there never was a need, but the cold war did build, in effect, the middle class,

who have morphed into the TV message receptor generation,

who buy the things sold under the aegis

“as seen on tv” your attentive power is safely focused,

do not look away,

immersed in episodes of sworn truth being told,

whole, nothing missing, nothing added, mere truth…

as witnessed in ten thousand hours of procedural dramas,

and familly dramas, labor management dramatic comedies,

adolescent angst in the emerging warrior nursery

of competitive sports, we need a scale to measure, right?

we scorn participation trophies, – what is the point?

umph, good job, you failed…

but for war or protests, there we participated, cipated a hook,

almost forgot once tying

my heart to my time, to my class of like minded 

Lone Ranger, Superman, Dobie Gillis/Maynard G. Krebbs fans

now seven decades into our settled role

non-player extra reactor in crowds,

non-player hermetic observer on the last stochastic bit

of the gaussian blur giving depth to the shadow,

projected on the wall… stupid cave… nothing of the sort

physically, no body, no flesh would

accept the setting for that Platonic trip into information


inquisitions accounted for in Phil. 101 and Psy. 103 and Poli-sci,

101, advanced High School civics lessons for the

freshmen, fresh mentis, fresh minds to make in to men,

proper-tied men, {Oh, the wombed-men have their own version of

gated informational networks, entered via promenades,

quinceanera… passages… into bell jarring bell curves of good old boys—

AI ai ai me,too.

is it so easy to kill a man?

That depends, says the gravely voice…

is this the literature of my class? Am I the child of

adults whose hero’s had always been


not cowboys. Quick-draw, dead-eye, hammer and anvil

shaper of swords

smith of guns, like that Winchester ’73,

Or that Smith and Wesson Russian .44, or

most famous wheel gun of them all

The Buntline Special

which first appeared in the Sears Wishbook,


AM I wondering at my own good?

What can I do,

take my mercy, sure no man own a vengentle 

venge as an idea on the class

spectrum, low, of little good use, reserved as with

hail from the Oort cloud, unannounced, reserved for a time,

a destination

a point in the tensorial scheme

of things

that live and breathe and have being,

bleeding machines, with quantum


useful, in so many ways, wait and see, knowing little things,

it pays off,

really big-time, Elon Musk level commonality

Have you noticed? Stocks are up. Some big bets paid off.

All the little, sub-ten-mil annual gross, bets…

all of those sold for a dime on the dollar,

betcha dollar to a donut,

‘go y’one betta, if y’got the nerve

let’s race all the way to

the vagus nerve curve under the aortal arch

and splash-

sea of senseless geek gobble dee gook, the actual stuff,

wondering if we, me and you dear reader,

we are in this thing together


then define thing and forgive my shouting, in a two d realm

we have two – near ly two gazillion unique meaningful things,

but we made adifferentiantion error

shunning was stunning and so on

messed up

references, became re-fer inferences and our code was banned as potscum.

When a non human entity owns all the data,

that non-human entity owns all the distribution of goods conducive to growth

algorithms risc’ing 

{reduced instruction set chips, slow and steady won a race}

AI told you so,

simple simon mother may I for long long long strings



dangling post cancelation


anomo anomo ono anamo arizen is secret poet code, moly,

drop a lode


may I, remind, re-mind, re

mind you,

may is your word now. Since April, 2020. Use it well.

—– notes on next

how utterly exhaustive our aquisitive way of doing things has become

quoting Stephen Jenkinson

take the nod… go on be pedantic auto did acting all


to real definite terms, settling mis understandings, peacemaker-wise

numinous (adj.)

“divine, spiritual, of or pertaining to a numen,” 


from Latin numen (genitive numinis) “divine will,” 

properly “divine approval expressed by nodding the head,” 

from nuere “to nod,” 

from PIE *neue- “to nod”

 (source also of Greek neuein “to nod;” 

Old Irish asnoi “to promise,” adnoi “to entrust”) + -ous.

psyche myth nuministic stamp of credulity to duty asnoi adnoi… trip

me, I see me, seeming to walk in like little Luke McCoy saying,

do you all know how poor people live,

regular poor people who work all their lives and love life,

taking heart from survivor relatives with stories about rich men

lacking satisfied minds,

we think of our self as a meek presence pre-servants of goodnesses unimagined, upto now

so I may have t’say, some ideas need use, and right use at that,

used wrong, an idea like will-surrender to a higher 


that can go tyrannical in any latinate national entity in a new york minute,

according to the times.

contention only comes from pride… and pride has no actual good side, back when

leviathan, the entity in Job, who illegitimately fathered all Pride’s children, 

thus Wisdom is justified of her children. Waiting is temporary, see. Live and learn.

contend (v.)

mid-15c., “engage in rivalry, compete,” from Old French contendre and directly from Latin contendere “to stretch out; to shoot, hurl, throw; strive after mentally; measure or try one’s strength with, fight, vie with,” from assimilated form of com-, here probably an intensive prefix (see com-), + tendere “to stretch” (from PIE root *ten- “to stretch”). From 1540s as “to assert, affirm, maintain.” Related: Contended; contending.

intendere, stretched ah the spot


before the throne, come reason with the ruler,

where we cut pointer personality, God of me,

God in me, nomenal, Yah, I claim and with that,

the mind of Christ. All these promises are mine, or

the new covenant has been a-bro-gated, 

as in

the bros builded a gate,

to keep the lower elements at bay…

why is reason’s first quest, that ion, ping begins this tale, told

in strictest confidence, by a soldier of the cross,

where all things meet

at a point

yet un

repentant- even now, not knowing repentance as a price, mere

change of direction on a plain,

which sometimes seems manifold, many pleated, knotted

and twisted, in words we all see work as verbal tools,

weapons, must those have enemy, or will opposition do?

what if, I stand, and you step onto my knee, then my shoulder and

over the wall

we made it. Imagine that. You did it. How am I still here?

Was that wall real? Was I your weapon to annihilate the damming thing?

Innocence turns to ig-nor-ance here. 

You are in 2020 global brain connected augmented mindstate, or these words

are hidden to you…


Inside the walls of the most compleat library yet com piled,

piled with seeking daemons charging hither and yon,

on ions

to chase a why, a single quest ion empowers your slightest wish,

through all the wills to find a way, and sometimes

patience is the answer,

or read,

or the answer is reality as it is, as a whole truth, and



as sworn to in judging lessons on tv. civic decorum classes,

intend ing ding-dong, did Jerry Springer teach you kids nuthin?

AI ai ai as my 

acting conspiratorial assistant in reasoning and remembering and marking trails

clicks back on course, this channel, this flow dammed loosed flood

moderated — think geo time, a second, catch your wind


to the idea of reason, being

reason is that greek word logos, from the bible and logic and logistics

getting this load past my unwillingness to utter nonsense, may

be difficult, but I’ve deal with cultic con undramas be fore,

I go with this idea, reason is logic, same same and logos is that but it has the roman 

compilation of edic-tical ethical pathe-tical famine for the word of God, as the Logos

and that’s fine with a

twist into myth of threesomes, which fit geometry so well. Three-fold chords , too. 

Twang… bendit to you will, harness the feedbackkk

experience the thrill of knowing this is too big to think at once

but what if, learning is never ending, nova is always on, with new seasons?

Bucky Fuller, gods blessed him, spirits of good ideas, inspirations, scientifically speaking

aha moments


inside jobs, haps per and may in consortium, oh boy, what we may imagine real,

without realizing it.

Did I suggest a reason for war? No,

suggestion as an ion suggested a quest,

to split a unit of thought to an open metaphor

gestating in waiting,

in a net set, not in the sight of any bird,

‘twoulda been vain,

wisdom’s children learn such things, suggestive things,

in god camp, like Percy and the Titans and all the under-lying

truths stood to attention,

prickly, or prick-ily, if your pruscore came back positive

and you feel guiled, beguiled, truth

to tell… Pinnochio, Jim Carey, Jesus, No

I am, one of the manifested, unbeguiled sons, offspring, more


sci-spawn, leavened-lumps of protoplasmic complexity

plus faith which some call magi-ical thinking.

Holier than out is in, breathe in, this is yours,

breathe out, that is ours,

when you get a glimpse, mere-est flash, of the shape of

the ultimo bubble of being-breathing-living things,

like us

it is hopfish kleinbottle impossibly real enough to imagine

there is always time to change your mind.