2020 – day 93

A great fear came upon the land, and the old men mustered

a defence onfence offence offing the pigs and spilling the pearls, misfed.
Miss feed, ticker tape parades, grand tradition, in the days
before the war,

before the cod were so brutally raked from the bottom of the sea,
with anything else the net could drag
in a five mile swath of take it all let the market sort it out

eruptions inter ruptions hold it steady we got this its common

we weave we’ve woven this character into the hero myth he settles
into the wise hermit who was a warrior

like in Star Wars, only in words, mere-ifity in merest of terms,

defining times, these be. The we we think we be, we may be;

may being your word now, for some time
as men measure time

not for ever but ever how long it is what it is is in the vernacular,

as once “it don’t mean nuthin'” was, a jot and a tittles worth otinkerdam

tinker toy dna I say, I think I saw a lady see the twist first,
Nicht wahr, Herr Crick?

Was it not suggested? Suggeste, sub-limning-ly, eh? A picnic on proto
gaia by litter bugs as men were, wombed and un

in the straight 1950s, litter litter every, as far as agood arm could chuck a jar,

litter ‘ll lie there glittering among the little lava globules
and Apache tears,

til hell freezes over and everything stops.

Litter bugs was what we all promised not to be,

on the same day we learned that President Dwight D. Eisen hour had added

a phrase, to the pledge every american kid pledged, up to now,

now, we are the first first graders ever in history to say, “under God” after
one nation, comma pause breath, under God.
In first grade, we know god has abig G but not why.

Level one why factor test. Sorts sort of. Child Buyer. Did you read it?

Did the Mad Woman of Chailot recommend it?
Were those your glory days?

Give account, each idle word, every idle word, each idle thought, each missed

take, give, got, gift, poison on another tongue, kiss me lest the taste
fogotten swallowed pride
humble pi in infinite regression, toa point in time

we were not you and me but we and it was a real as ever imagined,

like god with us, Immanuel, what could be hell if yar watchathank yar?