I, _, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.” (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962)
okeh. Why was this oath a price for the rights I hold unalienable as mine, by God who blessed America, oops, give the Natives a chance,
let them have casinos. (That ain’t fair. I wannacasino, iwannabearockstar,
but a click is all a virus asks, and I am that, in your mind,
lowest of life. Two dimensional squiggles seeming sound,
in the shared mind confusion where all the idle words used in oaths to non
real things, ala war, or any god other than life’s true being being proven by you… I stutter as I utter a oops, I me
meanderander, otherwise, as with all giant steps, the lead foot found solidity,
at a (tensor) point to my being beyond the apriori lies the oaths acted holy in.
I aha have tipped at a blink into a realm with all sizes of intellectual giants,
with old earth deme name patterns, gladstone, klumpen hearkennerich, wisewinstonevitch fridman and feynman and dick
pre-served in syrupy words or cheesy radio interviews.
I assumed, in that old sales training way, I assumed and told you,
and you chose to believe my lie.
What oath was sworn to me? Back when I took the giant step following that oath,
A guy I ate acid with, Ken Kingman,
who is an actual manifestation of some trickster godling
who lives as he once imagined, in the stories
I lived to tell
the olden times, before the
civilizing of the I I ai ai ai am mercurial mind that alienates the we
i find I am, altogether, as a spirt of the old
heathen cow herd culture,
sweeter than I was imagined,
back in the beginning,
when the meta bottle were first
sequenced and rendered on SETI
using unused spins of itty bitty
silicon polarity if iers if I
make sense of this suni-e sum same strokes
of magi-made links-knots-com-
let us reason, or not, now is immaterial ification ever
after happiness is proven to go past
the final hell you told folks that you knew well,
exists, experientially.
An expeditionary voyage past hello, world
through hellopoetry.com to
kenpepiton.com, where the little red hen laid her golden egg.