Write it or forget it or

If all I need recall is at my beck and call do I even need to write?
Even children recall certain lessons only on reminding.
The finger in the socket. You remember that right. But you had forgot.
What exactly happened there? Electricity, exactly what is that?

Oh, I know, hands waving before webcams everywhere, I know

But, those atoms, are they still conceptualized that way? That Bohrish way? That’s not the way they are, I heard the electrons were in a sort of probability cloud and that was why electricity probably works but the really, really smart people, like Carl Sagan’s Cosmos heir, I heard, I think, say we don’t know how electricity works. We know how to use it to do work.
We know how to live on the only biosphere in the reach of even predeluvian mortality parameters, Methuselah ‘n’em. Our telescopes can really see farther than mortal eye has seen and there ain’t no place like home anywhere but home.

Earth is not over crowded nor over-harvested, just mis managed by a bunch of liars for centuries. And no, 1% any where on the whole prosperity bell curve on earth in century 21 is fun. If you got no tyrant fool telling you what you can do, what you can’t do, you are on the life-abundant-through-ever-increasing-know-how-discovering scale. Compare your reality to a Spartan hoplite’s kid. Or anybody’s kid in the Black Death days of old.
You know. Yah, you know.

You, in these non-tyrant-ruled environs you share with the likes of me, you are free to be as happy as you make up yo God-given mind to be. Abraham Lincoln, said that very thing, way back…
Deep ol’ symbo-logical slavery come out the cellar to be seen as the lie men been tellin’ since long before old Plato ‘n’em. All the philosophers lyin’ ’bout  intimacies  with Miss Sophy and dances in all manner of Utopian Paradigmatic Gardens no fool ever planted, those standard philosphy spouters .up to now. had lackies called lackies for reason, for sure. Goin’ on two hundred years ago, most everyone I know knows that. Not many of ’em believe Mr. Lincoln. I do.
Naysayer, shut it. You watch. Sun’s a comin’ up in the morning, nail it to the wall and we all are spinning on this one blue ball. Every person on the planet who is not oppressed by the wrong doing that every other person on the planet knows is wrong, the wrong of a governing individual doing what is not right, for greed or any fear-based reason, at any social level in any social culture.  Am big, you is us, and you is the enemy we love or we die.

BTW. Your right hand is the one you throw rocks with. We all know the difference between right and wrong.
There are more than three ways to see life, or do life, or imagine life.
There is a very easy way, the right way, it’s too easy, so it must be a trick (and it is. A cool one.).
And a fairly easy way that leads to a very hard way part way through mortality. Most, according to rumor, never get back to the fairly easy way if they hit the hard part of life’s road during a major spiritual blow-out, like happen every day as the information overload becomes something people just can’t stand up under.
It drives men to their knees. Under the weight of all the knowledge of good and knowledge of evil, only the meek can rise from their knees and inherit the earth, which is a better deal than inheriting the wind, fool, if you could hear.
Reproof. Proving again my instructions that were, honest to God, written on the 21st century equivalent of stone tablets at the core of what I am made of.
Reproof of instruction is
The way
Of life.
Scholar instruct thyself, the husbandman that laboreth must be first partaker of the fruit of his own labor. That, the whole Bible agrees with. And Buddha ‘n’em, too.