A subset of the philosophical problem of evil that I was told is unsolved.
Why do fools exist? Why are there proud people? Are they
Childish or childlike? Do they ask,
Am I all there is? Why would any variety of man think that?
Something as complex and expensive as me has no reason to be?
You, other than me, why are you? How are you?
In the sixties, some famous fellow took the blame for all the foolishness, won a Nobel then died and left the mess the same way he found it.
Sartre or Nietzsche or some such.
Jesus says, ( Yeah, the Bible Jesus, but not a quote)
“I know what’s broke” and, in me, I know,
He fixed it.
All the old stuff out, new stuff in, cognitive-filtration systems replaced with finer screens. He repaired what could be repaired, cleaned what was filthy, and replaced the totally corroded part at the core, then
Opened the cage and set me free to wander the face of the earth, wondering how fools ever evolved.
Word. Amen. When it happens to you, then, its true.