The Battle is won, not fought

The Darwin Myth is verifiable, googleit.

When discerning the worth of ideas, how do you guage intellectual honesty?
“What hath God wrought?” is said to be The Historical First Morse-coded Telegraph Message,  those exact words, and the American President sent them his very own self, I learned in 4th grade, I think. Or maybe I learned it on Gunsmoke. But what I remember learning and believing I knew , I did not know.

In the Twenty-first century Adamkind began to make up their global mind not to take lies at “Face” value. So a good idea, or a go idea, or a god-idea [actually a demi-something, like you think a spirit is being vocal in your head] Bogus Science religious myth takes on Youtube, eventually enable seekers to find the scarlet thread I mentioned, a while a go — oh yeah the Historical Quote lie I told… it may be may have been like this “Euthymides painted me” oops, that is from a diiferent stream- ignor it for now

The Meek Inheritance Project
It was a punched tape reader, not a human key, what sent that there telly gram, ma’am.


Though, we electricity savvy post-moderns, we know on both ends of the wire there was a sender and a receiver with training in the diciphering process needed for sensifying some kinda rhythmy clicks and silences to words beyond the range of mortal man, normally. There were many practice messages between those two expert coders, true geeks of their day. What hath God wrought was not first, but when it was sent, it was all caps. For sure. (No lowercase, no upper case just sounds something like clickity click click so unique a good ear could discern shift changes on the other end with out a glance at a clock or which train was in the station.

By now, we know, that message could have been a lie. It could have been a default message agreed upon weeks before, so, just in case. But the code and the signal carrying system devised to make right use of it, worked. As do the words, What hath God Wrought? when asked in light of all we have been given in terms of free access to the collected knowledge and opinions of all our kind’s predecessors ever studied and recorded in some ravages-of-time-resistant medium.

In my realm there are professors in more abundance than any other self-called class or kind. There are several herds who follow a strict taught-ology regarding the rightness of thinking Chuck Darwin’s thoughts in light of his sorta-steam-punk evil world.

Why lies are told is a mystery, to me. I have never once gotten away with lying, nor shall I, ever. (note: I know that is true by virtue of knowing there is a valid paradigm for mortals of my sort when/where every idle word is accounted for. True or false.)

So pointing to words and declaring them worthy of doubt because they allude to an imaginary book accusing an imaginary wizard of dumb imaginary stuff, that is slick. Sander Gliboff did that to Benjamin Wiker. Check it out after you read or listen to Benjamin Wiker’s, The Darwin Myth: The Life and Lies of Charles Darwin. I went to a facsimile of Descent of Man at Google and searched for the remark Gliboff glibbly laughed off. There is no doubt Darwin gave Auschwitz its raison de etre

That book is getting a full-court press humanist-manifesto-allegiants obfuscation campaign. Not since Darwin’s Black Box have I had more fun challenging fundamentalist evolutionistic atheists to read a book. And if you don’t know what you believe, don’t skip Wiker because Gliboff believes in Darwin as much as imaginary Harry believed in imaginary Dumbledore.

Then, after seeing Gliboff glibbly dis Mr. Wiker, the rationalwiki repeated the remark, as if that fact should devalue anything Wiker said:
The Darwin Myth: The Life and Lies of Charles Darwin is an intelligent design book written by Benjamin Wiker and was published by Regnery Publishing in 2009. The title is possibly stolen from The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore, which appears in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows, by J.K. Rowling.