Most modern histories


The Meek Inheritance intellectual genome study 1.

Most modern histories never mention quarks and bosons and such until near right now. I’m noticing more teachers teaching lies I have believed, and taught, I confess, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. I stand to co-right all that matters.

But during the past year, the most swiftly passed year, I built in my safe place, in my sanctuary, (I would and am tempted to say “closet” in this stream naming common secret cogitating spaces, save for the shame of seeming queer or con-descending while alluding to where Jesus suggested all men pray, A not E, eh? An E where an A or nothing at all should be can change the meaning of ever thang, thanks fo pain a tension). Here, let me try to clarify the reason paren-thesis are.

Parens sometimes tuck thoughts in cracks to prevent break-outs. Old Middle-terran mind masters often referred to the trickles that signal a dam in a garden’s irrigating system is near its break-out, “as when a man letteth out water.”

(Although that could also mean that once a man begins to pee he must finish peeing, no way around it.) Wars and contention, pride-prompted deeds, all start with a trickle, like a leak in a dike, so to speak. that was all parenthetical, but in parts it stood alone and felt free to wander and wonder un til this).

Any way, all of last year, in my prayer closet, which is my front porch high on the eastern slope of the west coast of the United States, odd as that may seem, I built a lie trap that works by my going to the ut-most edge of what I know I know, then I reach out yonder and scratch whatever itches or seems like it could itch. I examine my self for lies, as diligently as Adam sought his fleas, feeling for things that need feeling first to be sure they need scratchin’, that sorta takes some time. It’s a chore.

Most modern histories begin by assuming modern men can not know any thing beyond what they, the authors of the historical truth, the authorized declarers of how this happened, have deduced from tips in tells in far away places, which tips may be known, now-a-days, by non-professors watching You-Tube. The history seers and reseers, pret’ near, got it all wrong. Wanna bet? My life, against your soul. Wha’d’ya’gotta lose? Lies. Ones you know, taste bad when you tell them.

How much of what is known do I not know? Most. Which particulate of that unknown mass that surrounds me do I know least? I can’t say. That, btw, is the same as saying I can’t speak and I can’t utter, thus it is unspeakable and unutterable.

There are unutterable things I may not say I know and not lie.

Unknown unknowns, said Mr. Cheney-man did you hear that?  Wars can be fought over such knowledge, you know?

What, In the name of all that is holy, The unutterable Name. (Were you able to hear me capitalize name?) is this about?

Blame shame, shouts Brene’ from near Bernie’s Bivouac in the current chaos of belligerence. (B. Brown Shame Tedx,g-it)

Ignor it or ignore it but don’t correct for missing e’s without per mission from me, the author of this,

E-Disease spreads dissing in general to the the degree that every thing breaks. You can’t make no mistake, on purpose. That does make sense, if you think about it.

Everything breaks. And here we be, you see, taking all the blame. Shame on you. Don’t blame me, es no mi culpa, Padre. Adam had ’em. Scratch.

Original sin been beatin’ yo’ heart, when it come out yo’ mout’ like some tite-ass rite-ass ass-me ax-me axe-me, I don’t care, do not dis e, the Big E, see. BLING! E (ALL CAPS? Too Much. But Small Caps, those are Holy as Hell! * Small-caps are the means King James’ translaters chose To hide the ostensibly unutterable name of G-d (Jehovah or YahWay ) beaneath the word LORD set in a fontface that uses x-sized versions of the Capitals. Small-caps are Lead-type functionality not available digitally, uni-versally, yet. If you see small caps where small caps would be if this app could handle the display of pixels ordered so subtly differently so as to appear Holy)

ah this is not parenthetical anymore. Get this, okeh? I’m not here to enter-tain, for cer. So, no small caps with out the apps. No program minus programmer regardless of design confusion and  I-am-big-u-it-ic clarification being needed here. THIS AM BIG. This am us, This Am Big U in US. Ambiguity has a place.

Sometimes a rough draft is all you ever get. Every jot and dittle is part of the whole thing. Law. Conservative Energy Synthesis Syndrome, cosmic energy soup cesspool. What is being conserved? By, why? What is being consumed? By, why and how liberally and who pays? If life does not mean nuthin’, why not? That’s part of the answer. Right there.

New or not, your first thought is coming into virgin territory. Is there a less shaming term to descrive fertile mindds unplowed by Platonic dis-ease’s dei-logs nor Psyche-trick ought-it-teases, odd-it-teas.

Think more, slowly. Your clocks are all set wrong. Dong. Ding. Dang. Cuckoo. Just yesterday,

I was saying to my friend who told the prettiest oak tree in Guatay not to die, some sayings take a while.

Don’t they, said she, in her local Yoda kinda way. Jesus said I could tell this mountain to move. It’ll make it to the sea, event by event, you’ll see. Some seeings take a while, too.

From deeper in the trailer park I hear:

Stella! The name Israel is written in stone. Momma, come and see. It’s on the darn TeeVee.

O, Stele Mer-nep-tah, I could ‘a’ been right, if only I had known I did not know, I’m so sorry for all the lies I told. May I tell you what else I do not know?

It takes a while, but it turns out fine, in the end. Imagine figuring how to do anything after, like Ajax-Comet-OxyClean and Kaboom in flagrante thouroughly CLEANED your brain; OS, value system, governors, limiters, shame, pride
-mostly everything you ever believed true that you never checked to see if it were false.

Full-renewed mind reboot began in the spring of 2016, Late February is documented, there may be be earlier wakenings, we can’t tell right now, so telling would be wrong by its doing, indeed.

Renew your mind by the pure washing of the water of God’s Word

Brainwashing and re-newing your mind are equivalent, they have equity in terms of affected behaviors in beings let not from sharing their perceptions. Such became involved with volumes of other voices involving shared beliefs being turned quite high, while volumes of individual beliefs made little noise then and less than that now.

Let not your heart be troubled

Did you know then and than mean different differences? Then pay more attention than those who did not. To whom much is given, much must be made use of. Get used to it, this is voluntary involution, if you will.

NOTE: Immersion in involutionic determinism is liable to confuse you if lies are still at the doo. You will go no where fast, those lies outside your door, those separate you from what you are separated from, more. No lie that’s the truth has ever been told. You get that. Evolution at this level, just turns out. Revolt, evolt.