One in one millio

Every one is equally valued on the pre-quantum level, who said that?

To be one in a million is easy.
To be one in eight billon not so easy


Un less

Every one is equally valued on the pre-quantum level,
Right. Self-evident. No re-thinking, re-phrasing, none of that.


Take it easy. Right, think-I-can, kinda that idea that started becoming America, for real,

it’s ideal ori- gin-istic


plus an agreement in Philadelphia as to the unspeakable worth of life.

A given.  They needed a given fact. They agreed…

All men are created. All men are made of stuff that is not alive as far as we can tell,

Un til

Life happens.

It’s indescribable. Not probable. Not “fortuitous occurrence of events” phenomenological.

Gloriously envisioned

El Real

Equal self evidence substantial

But why is it self-evident that all men are created equal? I missed that in the poetic mystery school.

Think coins. In Issac Newton’s day, what scandal ensued when an alchemist’s plot threatened trust-breach for the King’s mint! Only a magi superior in metalurgical liturgy could prove the purity of the King’s coinage bearing the King’s image, you must imagine.

There was this guy ringing a bell on el camino real north of camarillo

Crazy guy people said driving by

Hear him playin’ that bare oak flute,

Pack on his back, walking to chicago, he changed the world.

More than once.


I got picked up on that same damn corner in winslow arizona

But ended up in jail for some reason I don’t remember


Please, stick with me.

Memories gotten for nothing cost less to forget for short term gain,

But inflation/federal tax subsidized bank-feited fractionally-backed dollars base d values,

Makes those forgotten

more costly to redeem.


This is our way out.

No. That is a twistable idea. Unsafe to put any weight on that trail.


One step at any speed. There is always a place to put your foot once

You have a stable under stance.

This is your fulcrum whence you leverage the world.

This is your life.

This idea.


Circum stance. En circle ment. In situ. We are surrounded

By so great a cloud

Of witnesses.


We don’wanna change the world

No choice. You do. …for whom the bell tolls,

You know, don’t ask. Every thing causes, so

Changing the world is what is and I am

Part of it



Part of it, one in 8 billion.