It rains, this time of year

Basic Attention Token
we all gotta cache, like a cistern.

Tis tension implanted deep in lower chakras
more, more, teasing, tugging, twisting
crying ever, more, more,

it is a flaw,
go, and stay connected, I understand
— wait
— the txt is for the single participant act
no mention is made, save the very act, guest
I guess, we guessed,
the man got away,
but, nobody asks,
like I assume they assume they know
– taken, in the very act –
full, full, fill the law to the jot
whittle me a key,
pick this lock, unravel the complexity.
– casting lots for the garment
– knitted from one thread,
New Testament Greek between the himatia 
(literally “over-garments”)
and the seamless robe,
which is chiton,
(literally “tunic” or “coat”).

From <> 

This is one of those nugnosisis see, this tittle, comma,
that always means,
breathe, and the e at the end begins essential,

e afterwhich mass forms information, points
appear to align and flashes al
ignorance giggles as some theoph-icial dance
with one toe on the chubby tummy, bliss,

bliss, ign’rant bliss

was there precedent, for marks made in sand?
at 33, what would you have done,
aware as any, of bread and salt-fish, being easy
for a kid,
mom packs your lunch as you take care of papas
businesses, hey

what is busy as a bee. Dancing, I found a week
blue in full bloom, come find
more more more
before the frost that ever kills all the blooms
but these.

These befuddle the bees,
for three years or more I just noticed
blooming rosemary surrounds me,
all year, in bloom, that is canny,
I bet all this species do that,
until the next fire… or to offer peace,
to the desert,
in return for rain in July. Mental doing
we be thinking
Bee’s dance in eudaemonic frenzy
seeing absolute unknowns
form scenes from books,
– at the end of my rope

Crane’s dance comes to mind,
in my fingers I find a thread held fist wise
as wind would be if that
were ever done,

The old man in the end
of a personally
eventful life… lived a bit at a time,
familiar, how-
now, not ever, no, not actual liter–al
is not a fact, however, never mind
lotta static, stormsacomin’

Tune to the favored
take that down, how now, however, right,

did we imagine I lied?

I said I knew,
the calling to war, was my signal, to settle
once and for all,
I make peace, nada mas.
Come let us reason.
My team won. My side won.
In all the imaginable knowns, the sorting
{¿Þ?}– punctuation out of bounds,
make a hole

at the speed of thought with all e
in focus, hear-th thorny issue,
eh, ok, ¿Þ? in my flesh
tongue bridle,
point made to pierce any thing between
center and edge of the flow known
grown beyond
the mortal moral landscape, in the woo wu woods,
whither the Tom Green I knew, some
abandoned me, at the edge of the jungle,
—— bleed over from the watched pot
begun to boil,
pour in the cream, let the angry sugar soother
say its peace in syrupy persuasive way,
reason offers pay for attention, BAT
outa hello, poetry

a tribe forms in minds tuning to a signal, twisting
one song,
from many, a we, crying on the march to neverwas,
the long walk home, from here
in confusion, where I was born, apart of this we,
we lost, to the better liar,…
————- hey,
I remember —–
A joke, from my Methodist memories…

A priest, or a rabbi, I forget, that detail,
but a man of the cloth, was stalking
an alley where truants were known
to gamble, in sin, …
then he hears,
otherside of the planed joined plank fence,
truants, verily, listen…

They are conducting a lying contest,
whosoever tells the biggest best lie,
wins this turtle.
A turtle was a prize to the city preacher,
story sorta turned to
— what teaches boys to lie…
propagand, by god, that is the biggest lie,
—– but the joke…
you win, Mister, here’s yer turtle…
I missed that…
re wind, I got distracted, what lie
told by the priest or rabbi,
did the Methodist lay preacher,
new detail,
this lay preacher was
the librarian’s husband…
what lie did he
win with?

He said, When I was your age, I never told lies.

I think he…

— left a dangling hook
Slipped in to Saturday…
YouTube, Folgers, a Shippam Joint, all from my speeding
that now feels
as might
the cattleguard
on the Calebland Express.
– distract at the tip
– let’erole

The Turing Pro guy,
the tribal walkout event,
the mercenary returns, from
the year of wandering
anchorless, untied to ever

nuancement, new antsy-wishy
being the final version,
being the actual thought, not
the measure
of me, no test pro test.
I am a man.
I am an example of life’s
highest aim, becoming
the aspiration of my self.

My self, my measured fitted me
being as any alien in the once
common sense forming
I become the
being stranger in the nost
algaic knots of wheres and whens
nows then,
those whens, when
e-verily, every e becomes a sign,
each e is equal to mc2 nearly
each e is a bit wobbly, on any
certain point of no return,
time and distance wise
Ticket in mind, attention paid.

Profess knowing any valuable
unspoken truth, you know,
profess knowing formerly
unspeakable things,

recall once learning,
the greeks have a word for it,

ex-ousia, sortatinkertoy words
for the feeling of wasery
at the point of ifery,
a very scary place,
these places, each point
arriven from the process
used to level the field,
let the winds return
to the presets, revert
to right from wrong,
resistere, stand spreadfoot,
ready to strike,
upward, not at a tiny ball,
but all, swing at
that holds you from


Listening, the old man learns,
list is lust in turn, as winds cover land and sea.,
is this simply all we ever know,
is the new trick.
Listeth lusteth wished wanting more
reason, to be ratio-wise, balance and im,
I’m sure,
dead center certain, I know,

life is an openbook, in the end.

What is such a life worth?
Liberty, have I lived long enough to win,
Liberty as a consort, one of my
seven hundred brides?

May I, I almost said; as if, I ask you,
If I may make plain an idle word’s cache.

Wisdom is an effeminate whisper,
she never shouts, she has a sister,
Anger, and she seethes in waiting, waiting
for the lid,
then the pre-sure, sure, sure, I know, Boyles,
law in the grave class,
in-ex-or-ible, go go go flee or fall victim – BOOM

All that was, the shell remains

*men- (1)
Proto-Indo-European root meaning
“to think,”
with derivatives referring
to qualities and states
of mind or thought.
*men- (2)
Proto-Indo-European root meaning
“to project.”
*men- (3)
Proto-Indo-European root meaning
“to remain.”
It forms all or part of:
maisonette; manor;
manse; mansion; menage;
remain; remainder.
*men- (4)
Proto-Indo-European root meaning
“small, isolated.”
It forms all or part of:
monism; monist; monk;
mono; mono-; …|
… monopoly; monosyllable; monotony.

One of us hears each word as first
raw thought, as it

Now, mentally expand, gentle, no pop,
no boom lacka chakra dam
washed away, with all the bits
of other horded
blowing fiat currency ashes of value,
to seed my highest
as-you-see-it, spirations of grandeur,

bigger by far, is the peace
in some other words
than any
save those who find the first
meaning, in the syllable, sortable tongue
dance, see see me seem
something beside the point, not pro or am,
out side, cut off,
perfecting viscous balance
between your being me or me being you-
malmsey (n.)
type of strong, sweet white wine, c. 1400,
from Provençal malmesie
or Middle Dutch malemesye,
both -either, then
from Medieval Latin malmasia,
from Medieval Greek Monembasia “Monemvasia,”
a town in the southern Peloponnesus that was
an important center
of wine production
in the Middle Ages.
The town is joined to the mainland
by a causeway, and its name is literally
“(town of the) one entrance,”
Mono-embasis “entering into,”
from en- “in” + basis
“a going, a stepping, a base” (see basis).

Go on, become the done
– did you finish Infinite Jest
– before the Olympics?
basis (n.)
1570s, “bottom or foundation”
(of something material),
from Latin basis “foundation,”
from Greek basis “a going, a step;
a stand, base,
that whereon
one stands,”
from bainein
“to go, walk, step,”
from PIE root *gwa-
“to go, come.”
Transferred and figurative senses
(of immaterial things)
are from c. 1600.

Basic, first learn to take a step while standing
fall foreword, aforethought thinking there,
there is al
ways a place to land, — now put your foot down.
See, this is where I live. I heard you ask.

And as the power failed, the legendary
rain dance -thanks in child joy
made sacred,
by Evvy, dancing with Noel, in the rain
that came
when the power failed and all screens
became shiny ,smudged, and dullydutifully rubbed,
three men in a tub,
duty done, the message, is the massage.

Y’all know something of my works link
to the era,
so I imagine you know something more
of McLuhan, than you had imagined,
did you never hear mc say to you,
you know nothing of my work,
the medium don’t jerk around, spastic
for no discernible reason,
see, here’s the rub. There is a trail, in the
realm Microsofts welcomed me to inspire,

_ I am the expert in the room, re garding
gardening being a Voltairean riddle’s
answer, as you wished.

This gard role, U are the guardian of yours,
U in ambiguous, U in church cha cha cha ah
the us, ambigity, per se, we,
the peace plague, in my realm, new as ants that
replace warring ants in peace,
pheromonic ally signaling in wind,
all ye outs, in makes free, come and see,
these new ants answers say, peace
be with you,
we are next issue,
each colony touched by the super ones,
aqua-esses as a rule,
in this version of the game,
new ants behavior and new fire behavior
trigger on the thaw releasing
frozen gnowns.

the history reflects the metadata, there al
always ready, a head of time
going on whither it listeth weathering

listening, to a storm formed, essentially,
from water, which you think of in fluid terms,
it is a firm basis for knowing
in time
to make THE CHANGE MEAN, right
as rain,
that’s got it flowing,
the gutter was blocked, feels like a toy,
by chance,
I can envision the innards of a gut,

I know a spider, gutter survivor, Alte Vista,
no problemo, no se
look away, I gonnapeealover uuuu like thunder,
chasing shame

Jesus was naked… nekkid… that
appears to be true, assuming
this is mixed in: as plausible truth…
A sleeved form was worn by priests and actors. The colour or pattern would often indicate status, but varied over time. The chiton was the outfit of Aphrodite because it was considered very feminine, although men also wore it. Dionysus is often depicted wearing it. The chiton was also worn by the Romans after the 3rd century BCE. However, they referred to it as a tunica. An example of the chiton can be seen, worn by the caryatids, in the porch of the Erechtheion in Athens. A charioteer’s chiton can be seen on the Charioteer of Delphi (474 BC) in the image at the beginning of the article.[9]


formless and spiritual are not co-real
areas, in mortal moments,
next begins for no reason, foreseen,
— as a murder mystery, almost always…
the distraction is the vicarious hunt
for the monstor, you see authored,
as a mindwindow u uber rubber stretching

in harmony …
in mus
from Latin mysterium “secret rite,
secret worship; a sacrament, a secret thing.”
Welcome… free and brave

come become, join us in awe, being come
to see
where do we live, the we I abide in when
I make my peace with good being
in no fretful state, fearing the ever absence

of good that I have in mind.

He draws the line
to say enough is not too much more,
watch this, magic, more or less?
real or mere
word to the wise to the lies left in right
friendly node with limbic connections,

lizard like beings in reasoning opinion zones,
it is a hall of mirror in our minds,
we pass through it, it is legendary.

see, simple story is, you. alive, so far as you know,
though you do imagine, a beyond
out past the dread of dying, whying, why memes
and threats to say, I told you so.

Hell, yes, the blind man knew, you.
Not a we, a me of mine is in, you see,
as three billboards bher passing re
see think be
that fast you knew who was writing and who
is reading,. I can type.
And I can stop.

that’s art. no trick BAT accepted at first click