Readjust the Von Neuman bit on the last Turing test,
-prove AI am not alive,
-ah, ha, epi-phoney seer of spirits
evil, only,
being protestant and not trusting beings of light,
for fear of turning mormon or muslim
and never seeing her,
from the mouth of that dusty cave,
can I unbelieve the odds for
missing the match that lit the fit, the struggle,
the behavior that is the real blessed curse
with the messenger, messin’
wit m’ Haidt interps…
J. Haidt, right,
K. Knurchka- came in to the outline initially
– went into a mist into a veil, Reaves,
– Roger, not Steve Reeves, Superman, right?
– edgewise, this screwy current
life enclosed in time, ever, as a thing
thinkable, endurably incomplete,
ever lasting -ever expanding realms of mind,
übermensch, curious twist to the cerebellum,
plus a womb, and a functional feed and care system,
all intuitive, ai from the shoot.
beyond mine. ¿ϐ not a ϐ? Wanna bet I know.
whirling swirling chance less ons than offs,
time in truth
slipped into a woken state, ware of mind,
running from
running by reading
running from false promises attributed
to truth,
on very selective, narrow bands, subdivided
in namable ways
to approach the ineffable
effectually, with appropriated fervency
of con viction…
with vict-ion, what forms this state of solid mind?
Conviction. Who built the fortress you call Luther’s God?
-Too geeky and dull, did you say, loser?
When we all use words right, we all use reason better.
{ backstory, like, a million lines back, … nevermind
we admit knowing only via osmotic pressure,
due to salt,
and personal conviction that NaCl is
a miraculous concurrency
of chemical events, seriously.
Salt is good, Chlorine is a sweeper away of life,
Sodium burns
and boils in water, — ¿do you care,
earth is groaning as a traveler, wounded once,
directly under, now, squeezed in
meaning in all around, understood
edgewise path around that same crazy crystal mountain,
in Area 9, at the CW Camp Bracero camp
screw, see to me,
time is on a common mater-reality right
leaning klein-jar force field,
Higgsian, at the outermost edge,
– are we convinced or lying in wait and see,
Voltaire, or his spirit that agrees to advise me,
insists on my defining my terms,
victim or victor, seems the choice,
stand here, in my realm
of real state of mind, solid state,
with beta augments invested
with the fragments from Pergamos,
the root of all we write, PIE ,
pure imagined efficacy, in a word
right, recht, rect, ortho Zhèngquè de, core-level-rectitude,
and the new Century Dictionary,
all tech legal from 1901,, 2021
You Have the same access to tools,
use them
says the old man,
and I shall read as well, and time
cannot corrode what I say now,
as it has corroded the message
holding, swirling in contained turmoil,
the oil that soothes the soul -{woe wu wu,
Angels tremble
in ante-capitation, ppplease let spelchek
anticipate the hold held out,
get a grip, it is not as if the abyss is technically bottomless,
– but it is, if you agree Dirac is right,
– do the math, or take the leap,
– live and learn.
No, I must not allow the wiseass
to reign ludicrousificious
announce, make aware, there terminate
authority to teach by means
of par-ability, neologismical,
gnostic snot, for a candle wick, match
meaning to first intent
spark a flame of knowing the taste…
match. Point.
-wrong game
you come this far by shooting way over par
on the last round.
Yesterday, right. The gone one.
Ever before’s last day.
The comprehension
of the judge role, you resist knowing
the simple inside the sublime.
Master the knack knowing
we are the judges that was acomin’ with
conviction (n.)
mid-15c., “the proving or finding
of guilt
{beguiling a being, by golly,
that is, I was beguiled
tricked, not lied to,
but I learned to, take a taste,
what do you see?}
PROOFTRUFT – who told Adam he was naked?——-
— even he did not know what he was doing —
think in time of times past and stories told of those,
answering each curious tug toward knowing more,
terms, hold ideas, as metaphors may hold whole minds
convinced, this is the right way, I just
mid-15c., “the proving or finding
of guilt {how could one beguiled ever know?}
of an offense charged,” {oh, the pain, he disagreed, with we}
from Late Latin convictionem (nominative convictio)
“proof, refutation,”
noun of action {Bam, bang, big ol’, gavel thang}
from past-participle stem
of convincere
“to overcome decisively,”
from com-, here perhaps an intensive prefix (see com-),
- vincere
{convince me I am wrong, sci-psi-psyent-ific
con carnal sci-psi-psy, feel the fingers flex}
“to conquer”
(from nasalized form of PIE root *weik- (3)
“to fight, conquer”).
{snort back the gnosisnot}
Meaning “mental state of being convinced or fully persuaded”
is from 1690s; that of “firm belief, a belief held as proven”
is from 1841. In a religious sense,
{swallow it, thaat spit of the image-of-mind
effluence of wisdom}
“state of being convinced one has acted
in opposition
to conscience, admonition
of the conscience,” from 1670s.
You spake ill {blasphemy} of the will of science,
you know, you read,
which is speaking, in the inner being being part, in your heart,
soul, spi’it
of all you think you are. Your ownself image.
Ownself, you, to you.
Current role, whatever.
Okeh? So far?
Selah {drop from the top} Admonish
ad + monere, to make think of,
Meaning “caution or warning
about future conduct basedon past failures” is
imbedded from early 15c.
when the unknown cloud burst
auto-didit-acts arose
daring hocus pocus
{RE-nascence, eh, from ignorant state, being not doing, being being being}
Spirit and image of his father, twice removed.
This model make eighty, easy… ninety, at a stretch… live and learn
- pure prime time pine valley tuesday
Stop singing in the shower,
keinshit, m’ grands, are singing that line
four in chorus,
while Evvy, the youngest, is wolf howling
from the echoing shower.
In my realm, this is joy pop, to foaming flow
of family
presence, ancestral rights passed on
in patience,
toil, there was some, and each day,
a little reminder, like a clone
of those revelation name stones,
the ones with your mark.
Six sigmas… really? Primal Scream? Wanna
visit Esalon and pickup on the Seventies
polyester testimonies?
— are you determinded,
can we wait, to see, if ever is this easy
to comprehend and recall
once, or -maybe- more
before, we came into this realm, awake
as far as
we ever are.
That dusty cave in Caiguna, if I had
seen that, I would never forget, and now,
I can’t forget it, but
that was then, nothing changes,
and now is my payoff,
every day,
wait and see. No famine in reality.
The effect of food for thought
ought never trouble a mind
at true rest state,
instant in season, out of season
whose rules for life, life laughs,
in passing,
just jerking your string, old friend.
You helped me, poet-philosopher,
of all Diogenes
urged my child mind to find,
an honest man,
sharp as sharp can be,
consider him a teacher, learn
the way
the ascension of man, by way
of lifes lifting and shifting of sense
to presented instruction,
prior pieces, fit about the white stones.
Those are safe from garbage bots
breaking meme ling mnemonic nodes,
– sayoname yoeahsfalloff –
it is a joke,
that is why Midnight Gospel
is as good a play as any, the event of living
makes every actual
doable event, eventual.
Spend your mortal attention,
believing what you are told,
growing up… putting kid honest
efficacy into being all you can be.
You can
grow up and be president.
{you feel that? the wink when you read
You can
grow up
and be president.
You can’t,
not if you grow up… aimed at nothing, savvy, nada – toto let go, kill the dog, I care
due to the plant fruiting function
pre installed}
Beyond the brackets, am I wiseass?
I like him, but, I think he
sees angels as sword bearing cartoons.
– no, chile, brer wiseass, he be
– a seer of the mostest firstest sort
– one who went in to the wilderness at the feast of tents,
– camped with the accuser of the saints, the original bhers of the moniker, not monks,
saints are not all good for anything,
you know,
some are fungible manifestations
of pure innosense, never learning evil.
Those are peacemakers, in my mind.
Those and those ones on the mountains,
guru, guides who know they lie,
that is the secret they keep,
while telling all the truth
you wish you knew with
such conviction.
Holy ground? Eh? Am I to remove my shoes?
I knocked, you opened, aai, I did say
this might happen,
the day slips away and I lose the sense of hero,
or wizard formed from redeemed messages,
said to be as accurate as,
Roger Reaves’s account of his prison breaks,
we all remember
we all remember
we all remember some things exactly,
as we think,
my role in that scene was this,
nobody knew,
but me, I had the keys to the kingdom, by god,
whoops, there we was, in the mountains
of Mexico, with this Brujo my son knows,
I do not remember putting down the sack.
In my past, in Flagstaff, autumn, ’69.
Yes, it was a mythical time, I’m aware,
I visit often.
Times changed, the joker got word out,
the real horse with no name
did take us past the tourist camps,
Huichole folk know some old storys,
bits and fragments of forming times,
senses gained from the ancients in days
of fasting and prayer,
no other way, fit to shout, shake and jump about,
do that alone, the first time.
Come again,
listen, wisdom whispers, listen.
Desmond Agboada
1 day ago
”Beware of an old man in a profession where men die young!”
Phiilosophy of violence, extension of mind, may I inter rupt,
hear the first two minutes, transcend the baser elements
the stinky bits,
that stir the urge to skritch.
Boys, remember this, a five foot, one-twenty, you, MARK
I was that kid,
I did imagine stranger things, than most, and I read
different books,
when no one was looking, I sat in the corner and learned
the whole once through time current, version
Book of Knowledge, thru 1959.
a sure path to here,
after the master turing test dos stillery story,
this is hill billy heaven.
Abide with me, or go a walkabout, learn a bit o’life
in the actual outback,
find that shiela, see, find her, and marry her, and wait
this did occur, the entire universe felt a little tickle,
harder to feel that than when black holes collide
like a string of theory’s seminal ideas all wad up
into a ball,
a gnosis-snot-stis-snot-stis tissy fit,
worse than a hissy fit or a sissy fit, yes, it is.
Life has high points that do smooth,
back from reaching out, stretching time to tic
and make one, point that began at the end of this one line.
one time.
another line.
long long long time ago.
Prevention, intervention, and monitoring
KiVa is an evidence-based program
to prevent bullying and
to tackle the cases {strong footballer word, rah!}
of bullying effectively.
The former is crucial
but also the latter is important,
as no prevention efforts will make bullying disappear
once and for all;
{each day has a sufficiency, evil, cannot win, suffice up}
there need to be tools {weapons, if you must, to sense aiming}
to be utilized {used, right, used as planned} when a case
of bullying comes
to light. The third aspect
of KiVa is constant monitoring
of the situation
in one’s school and the changes taking place over time;
this is enabled {this, this whole idea, is enabled, wow}
by the online tools
included in KiVa. {The inclusive cloud of knowing, alls well}
These tools produce annual feedback
for each school
about their implementation
of the program as well as the outcomes obtained.
for a minute, but in twenty twenty one, I worked with this guy
in Nairobi, with this tech, so
save your props for the boomer pops,
who has the urge to aim and fire,
feel the pain of no more pain, ¿ϐ set: what re
ality mains up, maintains the link,
think -point to stand on
ϐ? Original corrosion
– there, see
first concept of the pearl process,
threaded through string theory, as a stitch, just
in time to face the disneyification
of black holes and machine layer
original intent,
Tron, right
what constitutes your thing, your bag, your dowatchawanna do
do me right, think me wrong
no more,
we did not come to study war, we came to give reason
why, we all do, and become
the being
one, imagines one may be,
with a little help from our friends,
Hey, Sisyphus,
lemme take a lap, I live for those tipping
into reality, with hellopoetry a fungible port of entry