A plain spoken man

Touching on mortal concerns in distant city minds,
or internet socialized minds,
public spirit
sorts, sorted on use, then worth

is that, not? Immaterial – oh these deceiving t’s,
– see, there is the mater-matrix, im-mater i-al-

in terms that matter?
I trow not,
perceive, if you may
Precepts to build from abound

Where there is no free agency, there can be no morality.
Where there is no temptation, there can be little claim to virtue.
Where the routine is rigorously proscribed by law,
the law,
and not the man, must have the credit
of the conduct.
[William H. Prescott, “History of the Conquest of Peru,” 1847]

From https://www.etymonline.com/search?q=morality

morality (n.)
late 14c., moralite, “moral qualities, virtuous conduct or thought,” from Old French moralite (Modern French moralité)
“moral (of a story); moral instruction; morals, moral character” (13c.) and directly from Late Latin moralitatem (nominative moralitas)
“manner, character,” from Latin moralis
“of manners or morals; moral”
(see moral (adj.)). Meaning
“doctrine or system of ethical duties”
is from mid-15c.
Meaning “goodness, characteristic of being moral, virtuousness” is attested from 1590s.

From https://www.etymonline.com/search?q=morality

Court my opinion for a measured moment, but
now we fairly ought judge virtue thus, goodness me,
just iust to think, and do today
just means now,
this point in time when I ad iust to
simulate hearing, mindwide, mindwise
-as radioman…
listening to myself speak as I would if I were the best self I might imagine being.

- Aside to the religious, we all are gathered to judge angels, not you.
- Admin is obliged by previous commitment-message-mental-melding
- to complete an earlier download and translate the message
- in horizontal meme transfer direct attention adaptation

Out of that and back with you, earth, my friend, when did the madness end?

The grace granted
was taken, the voiceless
persuaders speak passive
suggestion, hint, prick clue, given
for interest paid a century too late
from the star leavener of Wonder Bread,
Eddy Bernays, nephew of Herr S. Freud, und
Public Relation Counsel Profession Creator,

I confess, I worshipped that man’s ideas,
and never knew the worth of my attention,

It’s the little things that count

The force is in the details.

Uncertainty squared,
four rights and a center sensible to each,

Bubble up.
And let’s talk. Leave the let paradox where it lay.
Tree falls in the forest rule,
hammer hits thumb.

Suck it up, life requires breathing. Re plus quires
carries meaning only if you know I know quires.

Old French quaier, caier “sheet of paper folded in four”

From https://www.etymonline.com/search?q=quire

Requires deeper insight, AI suggests, hints, directs, as you wish

escadrille (n.)
1893, from French escadrille, from Spanish escuadrilla, diminutive of escuadra “square, squad, squadron,”
from Vulgar Latin *exquadrare,
from Latin quadrare “to make square,” related to quadrus “a square,” quattuor “four” (from PIE root *kwetwer- “four”).

From https://www.etymonline.com/word/escadrille
I remember…
Square dancing with the little red headed stranger,
and she became a teenager, cute little bopper,
I ar-ranger became, hero, yes,
she remembered, dancer, she recalled there is a stranger danger,

this is not that,
and we kissed at the center
of her four-square faith.

DDID I not telly ou we be a loose integration,
kinda like a mob, kindalike a band…
we muse as a whole called “satisfied mind”
-lead singer – Que Sera Sirrah
It is all soft as soft can be, software wise.
K-wet-ware, kein scheiz,!! who wahoo en alla
them 4-somes past trinity trys try try try again
step up,
make a knotch, fix a grip, a loop knot in the rope
no kweters, we’re star kwetwer… inter ente rest test ting

solid, five by, hell no, really?

Up one knotch from four dimensions, measuring scales, as it were,
used to carry extra weight in times of balance,
we lean good, and in gravity, that’s right
as it established its dominion
in four-d,

did you follow that, this is us, alltogether, forcing comply-ance

Peace dance, best chance, the one you take
or miss until you feel
some ideas stick.
Stories, yes. Stories stick, thus we are older than scripture.

Stones speak of us,
the forces being native in now.
We who know of more than few
who may have imagined
now in the future.
A plain spoken man,
a character build from first -build, not built

build in our mind this plain spoken man from
visions in whatifery, per haps ify and we agree

to make up our minds
to find the worth
of worth itself, in knowing
if gravity ceases to be a factor,
in the lowest realms
of science.

Knowledge is a tree. Trees use roots in radical ways,
that’s all.

That is, at least, point A in the story stones tell,
musing is ele-mental-ly yond being safe

wishing to do some
of the things children were inspired
to wish for,
between the lines,
the spirit of Walt,
and Henry Ford, and Thomas Edison.
— but the little leaven rule lets me mention Tesla.

Don’t ban dodge-ball.
Don’t ban mumbledy peg.

Hit the gas, 20 cents a gallon, minwage was 50.
A max-full-blown bi-hemi brain, fed Disney anything,
long enough,
ten thousand hours is more than enough,
fret not,
you’re there now
if you expect to live fourty more good years.

The blimp, the blimp, the Goodyear Blimp, oh, Pop,
can you imagine,
we can,
you know, this is why we all relate to certain, central points.

Meta-phorically, after the idea
of edged squares and high-pointing,

you who read are the salt of the earth, loss of flavor
in northern clime is due to the great worth salt has
to arteries of commerce and industry and war,

but that is a tuff old biddy, those old salts say,
she who give us gumption give us will to use salt for traction,

oomphala-umph, try it, spells spoken in one’s mind,

that was a fine high-f’lootin’, fine t’take as mine, granted, see

one’s mind, integral mind, in matters of meaning
leaning away from that which ties

being ob-ligatory, ties one mind to another, on another,

be-ads advertising for hope of the greatest of riches,
as any Disneyfied soul knows,

we all evolve or
become the lies in gods and hero stories.

We be involved or
become the public hearers of guru stories.

Ha, nearly had me. Hermit me, met the rest of me,
but I never got all this involved in who hears whom.

I figure this is the chapter where we pass 100,000 public words,
writ & read, at least once,
this fiber in the thread of all we thought or asked, pierced

push pull wise as a thimble thumb and fingers story
told with point of a camel’s nose, gnostic snot dripping,

gut says we know this story, this makes a point,
let it pass,