Excuse me, this is my idea

If you think it, then, it’s your’s and I am your excuse,
no fault crazy maybe.

Do ya’ wanna dance?
Under the moonlight, right, auto response under
certain conditions of commonality,
we sing some same songs
the signal, feel the message in the moment,
aha, cliché click tick etaoin shrdlu cool trick of
old type things slipped into the dictionary as an error.

We slip from musing in spring breeze,
whiling a time
watching a pine tree juvenile pop it’s first cones,

pine time, pines that grow in cracks in granite,
mature at roughly human rate, cared for
by the whole life complex,
generative systems fit this pine to my now,
many events have occurred, which may have
occurred otherwise,
wisdom knows every thought you think…
complicated means have been devised for living
as I wish, with stairs to climb to here, as I wished

time to tell you I here you am, and there you are, me.

no wu wu, it is true we think one thought, if we think
we concentrate all the sensory processes we have
con-ceived we may
ever have
permanent senses, constant aware, on and armed and
the weapons of my warfare are not carnal,
nor is war, the best lie game or erring doo ever done.
Winning in this realm is not life or death, it is everlearning,
and some ideas I am familiar with found shortcuts,
faster fasting, wisdom Jung feared was cheap.

Cheap is a complex cultural meme constituted to imply
a worth,
how much did I pay to know the guru knew he was lying?
What did it cost me to learn war is weapon in this war?

Love and hate, define your terms, if the left one don’t gitcha,
the right one will,
y’load 16 bins, y’ git 48 bucks, each day, end of the week,
pay day come, I keep 2 and give all the rest
to Jesus for any good reason.

— pine, says so what, so slowly in your time, now is the magic after glow?
I say I think so.

The theory of everything, in action. Sapience of sapience,
the state, you know you knew,

and you did it for the urgency prick “do it now” curious,
yellow, I am curious,
was that a meme? Is it in the Deep Throat conspiracy?

Hu Band hear humph — in the wind we see nada but dust,
the hordes have gone before us and left a very clear
wrong way signal being currently offset
with new ways of lifting ink from stone,

“A famine for the word” in some circles that means this.
Words emerge from nowhere and demand we dance,

and as I dance my joy rises,
as I feel I have flown, once for a second, I knew.

The flight achieved, once is enough, the body knows
what it can take, and what it can give,
but to give at all, it needs to live
in symbiosis with the whole
enchilada. Mental mani-festations in the grand display,

this is what we all have imagined as better, or worse.

—- shall we step to a new precipience? If the legends are true,
the ones in the west, where wisdom journeys with a hero, to
and fro upon the face of the earth, seeking opinions from mortals,

“what is wrong with you?” we ask, as the hero
“what do you know?” we ask, and the respondents among sapients
with the
equipment, ad-justed, cookie monster-wise
claim not knowing any thing
is discomforting,
to the point of pain, to a degree
angels mayn’t imagine knowing,
save in description from the losers in life’s current it-eration.

—- Job, jobe, the character trait, suffer, upto a measurable edge,
where soul and spirit divide, carnal mind and godliness exerciser split.

Call for the daysman…
and the daysman did call for amnesty, forgive them all, they did not
know the knowledge is good, and never knowing is evil. That’s all.
Jesus, not simple, but sublime:
that fixes it, then, and this is several millennia later.

Suddenly it’s Sunday, no-screens Sunday,
and imaginative sapient children
are playing in the yard I bet my life I could use as my own,
for a mortal moment, 18 years ago… like flying

ka-boom to the tomb in pine tree measure of time.

—- soft say, whisper if I were hearing
your accumulated silent prayers,
said, see this
look around, this is where
a happy old man lives. Having made it all up.