Edging past emerging mobs, the point
of life, a tempting, being
made to pierce the veil.
Polished, furbished, this piercing
divides the double minds…
stroke, as an oar into current pushes
flow to the pond, and whims rise
Early – kind of
anxious, I must
rea-ad, yes re-ad reason
nonfame as opposed
to infame – ryhmethymus
inflamed with passion
blame shame game lame
You open my Grandpa eyes,
to notice the children …
Yes, he says, the art of surviving promises,
could be the perfection of patience …
the needful thing,
that tips the scale,
cheats the lie by telling the truth…
iniquity means evil
can’t pass this level…
You open my Grandpa eyes,
to notice the children …
Yes, he says, the art of surviving promises,
could be the perfection of patience …
the needful thing,
that tips the scale,
cheats the lie by telling the truth…
iniquity means evil
can’t pass this level…
True motive
true meaning
true use
true value
true measure
alienated from the public relations
affectation’s effect,
o- profanity bang loud noise
give me a sign
if my thinking were yours as you read,
if, mind you,
if, my thinking were yours as you read,
might we be agreeing as to
how the power increase depends
on how smart I imagine you are
as well as – on balance –
on how smart I imagine I am, actually,
in the act. Cept. The act of accepting,
excepting. Deceiving and being deceived,
conceiving and being conceived,
as a thought, or
an idea agreeable on some ground. Here,
now, in time and place,
we may agree, this is
geistlich, nein,
spukhafte Hierwirkungen
spooka spoken, ah, so see !~ exclaimed the school boy
Harvey, the rabbit, famous through the
Fahrenseher reprojection,
as one of the first truly kurio ideas
to wander von das Kino
the common sense we share regarding
invisible friends in varieties of poo-
Warning to investors:
— Danger in self-producing a movie, is
losing everything and becoming
famous for the incompressible
that makes you look, did you
or were you caught?
are not so different from any Pokemon challenge.
Causeplay, dressessentially
as you would be,
if you were virtual…
Can you believe poetry slams?
verbal sosospoo key re gurging gut felt pooeee
face-offs in masked mode with alter ego heroes,
you assume
as roles best suited to your inner self — real you,
as formed in the thinking apparatus
con carne
transmisor receptor modo 2 en 1 diseño — virtual you,
send and receive, give and take,
whhhhatchathank? shhhhhhhall alalalike mind
find points
per ceptifitical, dimply sublime, jiggle wiggle jello jell
settle into novel form and feed the agreeing poo.
Poo-bah! Is this not proof?
The current state of mind is globally dis-
neyified, yes,
Disney ified the world,
as we know it,
{Thus, now, later, we see poo pooing anythink istokeh.}
pre-posterity wise assbackwards approact to ever things.
{a common trait, matrilinealy passed on}
then came color TV, then WGN and on to, logically,
The Kiva Kino experience of Fantasia, when entire towns,
sent their children to watch, in darkened rooms,
reflections of light filtered through flickering
film formed from
ortho- right
chromatic- tic chroma chroma chroma key
in the realm of 2-d, the log of the curve of the exposure
allows green
invisibible-psi-psy-science hands to plot
the prophetic density of the medium.
— what child sees forest first, then trees?
In the jungle, the forest, really,
green green, like a folksong on Hootenanny —
as the times,
they were a
changin’. Rhea ranging free, roaming Rhodes scholars
suggesting we see
pasts passed by our fathers who fed us the poo
stories, pookas and fae-eries ‘n’ black holes
of Calcutta,
whither slithering snaky licks of forked tongues
are tamed to form the very sign,
curious-ifityly, right used,
to lead a child’s unmyelinated brain
to believe,
re lease, let go the un believing — let the show
And after,
you forget.
And that is how we came to be in this particular mess.
Do your part. Play the role. You are in the cast of thousands.
Behave as you naturally would. There is no script.
you find treasure tests truth…
1998 Pikachu Illustrator Card
a hundred grand.
A paradigm shift
in value.
Why is any thing made value-holding?
Is there not use for such value?
Does it sit idle, doing nothing?
Or is there a scheme,
like spec-houses, leveraging
cost of materials and crafts,
– cost of tools compute
– value add to worth of user
– skill measure.
If I had a hammer, I’d hammer.
If I had a call, I’d answer, I’d say
Have hammer, will travel,
refugee abatement.
We break big rocks into small ones
and zeros.
The current is steady, regulated,
up the line.
riddles persist. curious urges to know
Get, and get
Know, and know more, at once.
the ideogram li-oo or liú
flow, and flow away, spread
and come to now
to here
an other flowing by
with red mud
for the future to form,
stories of rivers red with the blood
of the earth in her struggle
to birth the moon,
and bring her floods to bay,
not baying hounds, here, at bay,
is the quiet place,
where we find the truth in treasure
hid, hidden, under standing stones,
to witness the agreement of our fathers
with our mothers
and the others who added their curls
to our crowns, whirl a whorl into a tale,
any amateur can, to make it reason,
here’s the knack, gnown noises seem
n’ ifity, if’n ye be the knower of the olden
the letters that let us listen to the wind in our fists,
science, knowing, the action of an agent
mine to designate, see,
you, I point my mind right at you the core agreeing
the test all T-cells must pass, to frame the functional
aptitude re in questing reining reasoning
oomph from a thought in a gene,
genuine coincidence of sounds in time in space
with medium for sounds such as
itching ears enquire, hmmmmmmmmm
did you imagine good
under any imaginable circumstances, what
is good
if you, as you exist in your best scenario,
were as good as you imagine god could be.
good enough, but
what do I think I know?
If I say I know life has an edge,
I slide back,
wishing your praying were effectual, you know,
to affect a state in next,
the moment we agree,
touch a point we agree to notice,
yeses seem to reappear, appl-ying where yank was
strangling my testy little impulses pricking
im patience into order.
Stand or fall, it is gravity that makes it possible. Not me.
On earth, as it is.