Bubbling Universal Sub Sur Sup in time.

bubblemacroI took a macro photo of a soap bubble and used the color data and depth to create this scene in a 3d modeling program. [OC] from r/woahdude

Bubbles seem to model the best science I have found to date. Forces hold bubbles in the shapes of their containers long enough for our augmented eyes to see, in other youtube videos like this one:

Idle words, smeared all over this poor boys walls,

Aye, the shite, who taught those Irish lads to spread the shite like this?

And those hated walls remain, doncha know.

War’s no reason to tear down an honored wall, made holy by some

faith, exercised. Like now. This whole post, it ain’t meaning less. It lives now until the end of the internet, virtually. In words you are thinking you can say better, your way, your idea, your shrug-your-shoulders thing

you been always a gonna do. I done gone and done this part of what I was

gonna do. And Bomb. Jesus bomb. Do you think Jesus was in his right mind when he, attempted, one last time, to go over the giterdone list,

check. next is die and outa my realm of earthly duty, there for I may say of all

I said I came to do. It is finished. As for me, I say, for today, because,

I think I saw Jesus wink, right at me, it felt like, when he said

Sufficient to the day is the evil there of. Let’s git this done, today.