Culpa Pity Prayer for Pax

My, a Culpa Pity Prayer for Pax So, Phia sees a foll knitting life’s lowest branches and she says I see you knitting yarns long wrabbled wrong Phia stops/ He heard as clear as I, as you I see you. I see you polishing, for Phia, you see a new old thing. Right, you see…

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The Problem of Fools

 A subset of the philosophical problem of evil that I was told is unsolved. Why do fools exist? Why are there proud people? Are they Childish or childlike? Do they ask, Am I all there is?  Why would any variety of man think that? Something as complex and expensive as me has no reason to…

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Sincere does not mean “without wax”

who knew that? sincere (adj.) 1530s, “pure, unmixed,” from Middle French sincere (16c.), from Latin sincerus, of things, “whole, clean, pure, uninjured, unmixed,” figuratively “sound, genuine, pure, true, candid, truthful,” of uncertain origin. The ground sense seems to be “that which is not falsified.” Meaning “free from pretense or falsehood” in English is from 1530s….

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