Category: Taxonomic-ally challenged thought flows
The gist of the grist of this mill is chewed up non material stuff that matters.
the climate is changing, is that all?
Slotting into geological time, Sam Harris told Joe Rogan We are the results of our thinking. More or less. Old mans sittin’ on d’po ahch, he say, “As a man thinketh, so he be”, ferillergood, ye may ‘s well add as subtract. Am i right er am I wrong? Dexter, yeh, that’n on the Netflix,…
Continue reading →Brief walks through hells
Brief walks through hells, those were always inter-resting in an adrenal sense, since they all have passed. Thus, “this too shall pass” makes scent that smells right. We have lived, you and I, since when we remember living. That’s all, really. We have lived thus far and go further as we see or think or…
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